Genius is a Java-based negotiation platform to develop general negotiating agents and create negotiation scenarios. The platform can simulate negotiation sessions and tournaments and provides analytical tools to evaluate the agents' performance.
You can download the latest Genius here.
This includes the user guide explaining how to use it, a number of negotiation domains and negotiating agents, and examples how to implement a negotiation strategy. The software requires a Java Runtime Environment, preferably version 1.8.
Genius is actively used in academic research and the international negotiation competition ANAC. If you use Genius in your publications, you can refer to the following paper:
Genius: An Integrated Environment for Supporting the Design of Generic Automated Negotiators (BibTeX) (link).
The software won "System Innovation Award" at the Twelfth International Workshop CIA 2008 on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA'2008).
If you have any questions or comments, or if you are interested in the source code, please contact us.