There is a lot of different lubricants involved in this hobby. This page gives an overview of the various oils, greases, sprays etc
Union 76 is used for all bearings except the engine rear bearing and one-way bearings. Also used to grease the main shaft.
Teflon spray is used on sliding parts: the tail control rod and the tail pitch fork. I don't use it on the main shaft because it will flow down the shaft and flush the bearings from grease on its way down...
Silicon oil is used on ball links and on the rubber dampers.
Transmission oil is used in one-way bearings
Afterrun oil put in the engine after flying and is supposed to prevent corrosion and other effects of the "agressive" fuel remains in the engine. I stopped using it after flying as this particular stuff on the photo did not seem to have any effect at all. I only use this to grease the engine internals after an engine overhaul.
Robbe precision grease 5532 is teflon-based stuff, used to grease servo gears. Only needed if you do maintenance on the servos yourself.
Motor oil is an ingredient of the fuel (methanol). OS requires at least 18% oil in the fuel. Only needed if you mix fuel yourself. The Carbulin / P2000 oil shown here is a mainly synthetic oil with a slight amount of castor. more details on fuel are here.
Another nice page on lubricants is raicho's page