I probably had my engine running too hot, part of the engine between liner set and block
had been carbonized, and the exhaust pipe and header were pretty black inside as well.
The procedure to decarbonize (sometimes called decarburize) engine and pipe is as follows.
Stainless steel (the crankshaft and liner set are of stainless steel) is easy: just
put them in a chlorine solution (used for cleaning the toilet) for an hour and all
carbon just falls off.
Aluminium (most of the engine) is less easy. Do NOT put aluminium in chlorine as
aluminium will dissolve!! One safe but time-taking way is to burn away the carbon.
I used a pencil torch heater, and burned away the carbon millimeter by millimeter.
The fine but very hot flame of the pencil torch heats up the engine very locally,
avoiding overheating or melting, while at the same time being hot enough to burn the coal.
Another method, better suited for other aluminium engine parts and pipe is to
soak them in washing powder dissolved in COLD water for half an hour
(biotex is a good brand for this).
Do not use warm water, I heard that the aluminium will turn black!
After half an hour you can then clean the stuff easily with a toothbrush, or with
your finger if the surface can easily be reached.
Another method is to cook the muffler a few minutes in dishwasher detergent,
cook it in antifreeze (unknown to me how long or how hot), or use oven cleaner.
They say the oven cleaner is very agressive, so be careful and dont inhale the fumes.
I never tried these methods so I can't comment on them.
A pencil torch running on cigarette-lighter fuel (buthane).
Sorry for the barrel distortion :-)
For exhaust pipes I heard that you can also put a nice splash of alcohol
(or cheaper, petroleum) in
the pipe and ignite it. I never tried this. My engine pipe was pretty carbonized
inside, but I did not do anything to it.
After running some time with a richer tuned engine (cooler!)
the coal had disappeared by itself.
Again others said that they leave the stuff in methanol (or fuel with oil as available)
for a night, after which cleaning can be done with a toothbrush. For me this did not
really work, maybe this works better with wonderoil than with fully synthetic?
Please mail me your results, or if you have other good ideas!