The page contains an overview of the simulation evironment as designed and implemented for the CBPRS project.
The package diagram depicts the relation between the four main packages of the CBPRS simulation environment. The simulation package provides basic functionality used through the three other packages; Infrastructure, Routing and parking.
The simulation class diagram, shown above, contains a collection of class that assist in the implmentation of design patterns and default functionality in the other packages of the CBPRS. Design patterns implemented in simulation environment are the facade pattern, the singleton pattern and the delegation pattern among others.
The interface class diagram, shown above, depicts a collection of related interfaces that form the building blocks of the road network. The interfaces presentend provided basic 'contracts' for implementing driving lanes, roads, intersections, vehicles and routes. Default implementations of these interfaces can be found in CBPRS package downloadable from the right handside menu.
The routing class diagram, shown above, depicts two collections of classes. The first collection is focused on routing vehicles via Dijkstra algorihtm and the generation of routing tables using Dijkstra's algorithm. The second collection focusses on the Distrubed hierarchical ant colony based routing algorithm this dynamic algorihtm described in the thesis uses ants to determine optimal routes to a dynamic traffic environment. The routing package also provides to default vehicles. The DijkstraVehicle uses the information generated by Dijkstra's algorithm for routing while the AntVehicle uses the ant colony based routing algorithm.
The parking class diagram, shown above, depicts the classes that together form the parking system of the CBPRS. This package contains the entire CBPRS parking system including lampposts, parking places, busses and busstops. Three default vehicles are provided in this package: Bus, DijkstraParkingVehicle and AntParkingVehicle. The bus uses the routing tables generated by Dijsktra's algorithm to drive from busstop to busstop. However, along the way it provide traffic condition information to the CBPRS. The DijkstraParkingVehicle and AntParkingVehicle are similar to the vehicles in the routing package but are extended to allow them to park on a parking place or in a parking garage.
CBPRS 1.0 Installer
(1.1 Mb .exe). This package provides an installation wizard for easy deployment of the CBPRS on your PC. The package contains the stand-alone binaries of the CBPRS. Source code and documentation is not included.
CBRRS 1.0 Installer (full)
(5.1 Mb .exe). This package provides an installation wizzard for easy deployment of the CBPRS on your PC. The package contains the stand-alone binaries, source and documentation of the CBPRS.
CBPRS 1.0 Source
(1.1 Mb .zip). This package contains the source code of the CBPRS environment including project files for Visual Studio C# Express.
Framework .Net 2.0 (X86)
The Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 (x86) redistributable package installs the .NET Framework runtime and associated files required to run applications developed to target the .NET Framework v2.0.
Visual Studio C#
The Microsoft Visual Studio C# Express edition package installs the Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment onto your pc. This package enabels you to load the CBPRS project files, modify the source code using an intuitive interface and compile the CBPRS to binary format.