- Dr. M. van Wezel
Thesis supervisor for the CBPRS project at the Erasmus University Rotterdam faculty of Econmics.
- Drs.Dr. L.J.M. Rothkrantz
Thesis supporter for the CBPRS project at the Delft University of Technology Man-Machine Interaction group.
- Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus University Rotterdam is an international knowledge workshop for critical thinking and academic training, driven by a strong focus on current social issues. The university concentrates its expertise on issues of management, organisation and policy in the public and private sectors on the one hand, as well as on the field of sickness and health care.
- Man-Machine Interaction group
The Man-Machine Interaction research group is part of the department Mediamatics at Delft University of Technology. The aim is to boost research around the subject of human-computer interaction of intelligent multimodal systems. We start with five researchers and a team of PhD and MSc students Media & Knowledge Engineering.
The links on this page point to people and instutions that played a role during the CBPRS master thesis project. For a list of citations please download the thesis from the thesis page.