The application programmable interface documentation (API) of the CBPRS is availible in three different format. The first consists out of source code commentary present in all source code files of the CBPRS project. The second is a set of online html documentation files that are derived from the source code comments. The thrid is a compiled html help file that is identical to the online documentation files be can be downloaded and consulted without requiring an internet connection.
The CBPRS system operates on three different level of the city infrastructure. The powerline infrastructure allows the individual intelligent lampposts to communicate with each other and coordinate the distribution of parking places by providing an inplace communication network. The infrastructure of the city influences the routing solutions of the CBPRS and its efficiency and effectiveness when attempting to decrease traffic jams and increase traffic flows. The ether within the city is used to facilitate wireless communication between vehicles and the CBPRS required to exchange delay and routing information. These layers have been incorporated into the CBPRS design and reside in one of the three main packages; Infrastructure, Routing and Parking. An exact description of the mappings of layers to software functionality can be found in the thesis.
Online Documents:
Online Application programmable interface (API) documents containing descriptions of classes, member functions and fields within the three CBPRS namepspaces:
HTML help Files:
Precompiled HTML Files containing the same information as the online documents but are presented in a compact form for downloading. These help files can be used as a reference when working with the CBPRS source code.