Raptor RC helicopter
Since march 2000 I fly an RC helicopter: the Thunder Tiger Raptor.
Last update, 22/3/4: Added
documentation on my lipo battery as receiver pack..
documentation on all components I used,
Lots of tips (21Mb!) that I did not find elsewhere,
why I chose for a raptor,
Details on the fuel,
Overview of all lubricants needed,
the long history of getting the parts.
And finally about my backpack-size transport
Here are pictures of the main components, with some general remarks. Clicking on an image brings you to the documentation for that part.
My OS32 kept overheating during stall turns and heavier acrobatics. Therefore I decided to upgrade to an OS50. It seems the overheating problems I also had with the OS50 are finally under control. Made the cooling extension larger and tuning engine very rich, so rich it nearly dies at 1/4stick...
Currently I use a zimmerman ZIM3017 muffler for my OS50 (right top).
As you can see it's quite a lot larger than
the standard muffler that comes with the kit (right bottom).
However the engine ran always hot on hot days with the kit pipe, even with 15% nitro.
That problem was solved by the Zimmerman.
I have tried the Hatori 540 pipe
because the Hatori 333 did such a good job with the OS32. And indeed the
Hatori 540/OS50 combination sounds very good too! But there is one problem...
Currently I have a futaba FF8 transmitter. There are other brands,
but I liked the small size of the futaba (it must fit in my transport box!). Also, many people in my
club have a futaba (training possibilities and sharing of knowledge).
I have flown half a year with the FF6 super. It is a lot cheaper,
capable to handle helicopters, and the package also includes an FM receiver
and 3 servos (in some countries 4). These are cheap servos, better change
them immediately when you buy this set to the servos you really can use. Note
that the standard FF6 is NOT capable to handle helis, you need the super!
But for real 3D flying, you need just a little more finetuning than the
FF6 can offer (maybe the FF6 would just do if you have a speed regulator?).
I found the control over the throttle curve too little when going upside
down, also considering some quirks that had to be circumvented.
Of course you need fuel to fly.
I have used Coolpower 15% for a
while, but we had problems tuning the engine. I have been running on a local
brand fuel with 5% nitro and 16% Titan oil for a year, and since 2002 I
run on 10% nitro and 18% Carbulin oil because I thought the engine run a
little less hot with that. Later I heard that the idle mixture has to be
changed as well when using Coolpower, but why would you run on expensive
15% fuel while you run fine on cheap local brand? Click on the image to
read more nice details on fuel.
An RC heli has to be transported to the field. I have a special backpack-sized
box for transport.
I hope you enjoyed staying on my site! Ideas for improvement of these
pages? Please mail me your ideas!
© W.Pasman, 22.3.4
raptor 30 は50 V1 V2 のヘリコプターマニュアルをひっくり返す