13:00: Gregory Kersten: From Personality to Style: The Six Concepts Characterizing Human Negotiators
14:00: Break
14:15: Paper Session
- Hindriks and Jonker. Creating Human-Machine Synergy in Negotiation Support Systems: Towards the Pocket Negotiator
- Van Wissen, Van Diggelen and Dignum. The Effects of Cooperative Agent Behavior on Human Cooperativeness
- Pommeranz, et al. Multi-angle View on Preference Elicitation for Negotiation Support Systems
15:45: Break
16:00: Paper Session
- Fujita, Ito and Klein. Finding Nash Bargaining Solutions for Multi-issue Negotiations : A Preliminary Result
- Bas Steunebrink: Intelligent Agents with Emotions
- Hindriks, Tykhonov, De Weerdt. Approximating an Auction Mechanism by Multi-Issue Negotiation
17:30: End of session, walk to Heren of Delft
18:00: Reception
19:00: Diner
09:30: Carles Sierra: Information-Based Negotiation
10:30: Break
10:45: Paper Session
- Abrahams and Zeleznikow. Asset Negotiation and Trade-Off Support within a Multi-Agent Environment
- Emilia Bellucci. AssetDivider: A New Mediation Tool in Australian Family Law
- Giampapa, Sycara and Sukthankar. Toward Identifying Process Models in Ad Hoc and Distributed Teams
12:15: Lunch
13:30: Gwendolyn Kolfschoten: Consensus Building from a Collaboration Engineering Perspective
14:30: Paper Session
- Hofstede, Jonker and Verwaart. An Agent Model for the Influence of Culture on Bargaining
15:00: Break
15:15: Demo Session (4x10min presentations, 1 hr behind the machine)
17:00: Closing
17:30: The End