Gezicht op Delft, Johannes Vermeer

HuCom08 - First International Working Conference on Human Factors and Computational Models in Negotiation (2008)

Human Factors and Computational Models in Negotiation

December 8 - 9, 2008

           Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands


Original papers will be considered. All papers should represent original and previously unpublished work that are currently not under review in any conference or journal. Both basic and applied research papers are welcome. Each submitted paper will be fully refereed by at least three referees.

Submit your paper electronically in either PDF or postscript format. Submission is entirely automated by a paper management tool, which is available from the main web site: Authors must first register their own account by obtaining a password, and then follow the instructions. The length of each paper should not exceed 8 pages.  All papers must be written in English. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be presented at the conference.

A selection of accepted papers will be considered for publication in a Special Issue of Group Decision and Negotiation Journal.

A template with the HuCom 2008 publications format can be found: here.