Eye-Tracking Release 2
The eye-tracking data are publicly available to the research community. Please cite the following references if you use this database in your research.
- H. Alers, H. Liu, J. Redi and I. Heynderickx, "TUD Image Quality Database: Eye-Tracking Release 2", http://mmi.tudelft.nl/iqlab/eye_tracking_2.html.
- H. Alers, H. Liu, J. Redi and I. Heynderickx, "Studying the risks of optimizing the image quality in saliency regions at the expense of background content ", IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2010, Image Quality and System Performance VII, Jan 2010.
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- H. Alers , L. Bos, I. Heynderickx, "How The Task Of Evaluating Image Quality Influences Viewing Behavior", QoMEX 2011. Get paper
Database: Task Effect on Saliency
The files are password protected. To get the password you can contact Hani Alers (iqlab@ii.tudelft.nl)
Database Description
Eye-tracking data was collected in order to better understand how people look to images when assessing image quality. In the experiment, people were shown images and were given two different tasks. One was to simply look at the images as if they were looking at a photo album. The other was to assess the quality level of the images. With the eye tracker it was possible to track the eye movement of the viewers and map the salient regions for images given different tasks and with different levels of image quality.
More details on the experimental set-up and results can be found in the references given above.